Search results (3)
InstaForex ECN trading
Trading conditions
InstaForex is an ECN broker providing qualitative trading services on the Forex market. Cooperation with major market makers and brokers complete with large customer base provide InstaForex with high liquidity and opportunity to make fast o...
Spread size
Trading conditions
InstaForex uses fixed spreads on all trading instruments except of Major currency pairs, during the period of low liquidity (from 23:30 to 03:00 terminal time), the spread on some Forex Majors can be increased up to 10 pips;EUR/CZK, and EUR...
Providing analytics
Trading conditions
Forex news is available on our website. Moreover, there is section containing Forex analytical reviews, you can find it on. Economic Calendar helps you to be aware of the main economic events of the world. Besides, you are able to subscribe...